Client Services Program

The Client Services Program focuses on the homeowner themselves. Home Repairs for Good's mission is to help homeowners age in place, home repair is one way to help someone age in place but for the extremely low-income population we serve it isn’t the only barrier to their goal of aging in place.
The Client Services program is managed by an on-staff social worker who leads a team of volunteers and hourly staff that aid in assessing each repair and homeowner to confirm they qualify and determine if additional resource recommendations are needed. Under this program we are able to engage local universities to help provide real world experience for social work students with client intake and assist homeowners in understanding the process for their repairs. Interested in volunteering with our client services team?
Due to the nature of this process, Home Repairs for Good has the ability to help disseminate information that would be beneficial to the homeowner. For example, if a homeowner would qualify for the Energy Assistance Program but hasn’t understood how to seek it out or apply, our client services program is that face-to-face assistance to help that homeowner apply and understand that program and how it will help them.
To Qualify, Homeowners must be:
62 or older or have a disability
Own your home (check who's name is on the deed here)
Live within Marion County**
Fit within income requirements - at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Line
To get started Call: